F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story...Call From Dr. Friedman

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kristy's Story...Call From Dr. Friedman

I called Dr. Friedman, the surgeon from Duke Hospital, to find out why so much of the tumor was not removed when we were told only micro cells remained. He called me back Friday afternoon. He said he did not see that much (about an inch of tumor was left) but knew he could not remove any more. Dr. Friedman said the tumor was growing into the brain at that section and removing it would cause Michael permanent damage.

I informed Dr. Friedman of what was going on here with seeking radiation and chemotherapy treatments. I told him the radiologist at Siteman Cancer Center is considering using the Gamma Knife or another surgery to remove more of the tumor and also put Michael on chemo pills. He recommended no more surgery at this time and no Gamma Knife. He wants Michael to have regular radiation treatments and start chemo immediately.

Now we have to wait until Monday to find out what the doctors recommend from Siteman and compare the two. If we get two totally different recommendations how do we choose???

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