F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Donations


My husband is a hard working man and always provided for his family. As of right now he could still work. He would suffer through the worst headaches you can imagine to work for his family. But no one will hire him with brain cancer. He doesn’t like this donation button, and said no for months to adding it, but he still has a family to care for. And yes I still work full-time but one income is not enough when the medical bills are almost what you make a month.

We have medical insurance but with two brain surgeries (and another one soon) and I don’t even remember how many MRI’s the medical co-pays are ridiculously high and stacking up. The actual medical bills are already close to a million dollars.  The pain medicines alone have cost a fortune the last two years. And the cost of traveling to and from Duke every 8 weeks has drained us. I am a mail carrier and my husband was a union laborer but hasn't been able to work since 2009. Michael lost his insurance because he hasn't been able to work. He was transferred to my insurance but it is not near as good as his insurance was.
I do know that my husband is the best husband and the best father in the world. I just pray that this current surgery is it and we can lead a long life together with our children.

The PayPal donation button is in my mom’s name, I do not have a PayPal account. She is helping us to try to get caught up on the medical bills. She has set-up this blog for me so I could tell my story. My mom and dad are the ones who take care for our kids when we have to be gone for treatments. Thank goodness I have them and know my boy’s are well taken care of. One less worry.

Thanks for listening,