F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Meet Kristy and Michael

Meet Kristy and Michael


My name is Kristy and my husband Michael has brain cancer. We, along with my two young sons, have been fighting for his life for two years now. He is a 32 year old man that always thinks of others before himself, a very good man, husband, and the best father anyone could ask for.

We are from a small town near St. Louis, Missouri. We married young, each of us only nineteen, but it worked for us. We are hard working parents of two boys and they are the loves of our lives. After nine years of marriage we bought our first home. A week later our lives changed forever.

My mom set this blog up for me so I could tell my story about living with a loved one who has brain cancer. I needed a place to talk about what we have been through for the past two years and what we have coming our way in the future. I plan on writing a few paragraphs a day, I cry when writing it so I can’t do much more than that each day, starting when he was first diagnosed until the present.

I would love to hear from some brain cancer survivors. We could use a little help, hope, and encouragement.


  1. Hey Kristy, I have a dear friend, Teri Bales, that has a similar story about her husband, Mike and I think maybe the two of you could use each other to get you thru some of the tough times. Her number is 314-713-0982. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Shane.
    Kristie Moore-Freed

  2. I ran across your blog by googling "my husband has brain cancer"... As I was reading, I felt like I was reading my own life. Please know that you're not alone and there is someone who TOTALLY understands what you're going through. My husband also has brain cancer, a mixed tumor (oligodendroglioma/astrocytoma) diagnosed in Sept. 2010. If you ever want to talk please let me know :) praying for you and your sweet family.

  3. I hope i am no too late, their is a new technology UCS Keck hospitlal in Los Angeles is using it treat GMB on trial now.
    Bill Doyle: Treating cancer with electric fields http://www.ted.com/talks/bill_doyle_treating_cancer_with_electric_fields.html

  4. Thank you, we will check into it. Michael had a heart attack Tuesday and is currently in critical condition. We will post more on this soon.

  5. I am sorry, He will be in my prayers. Check the above link, it works with no side effect.

  6. Hello Kristy, Pam and family, I found this blog and story while I was shopping on Pam's site for her charms. I was moved by the story of Michael and all that he went thru along with his loving family. I just wanted to say, even tho this is a late discovery on my part reading all this, I wanted to send my deepest condolenscences and prayer to your entire family. Please know Michael watches over you all and his love sustains. Close your eyes, and you will feel it.
