F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: December 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Kristy's Story...Another Round of Chemotherapy

Sorry we haven't been posting much lately. It has been hard to find time with the holidays and as a mail carrier during Christmas my hours working have been long.

Michael is going fine now that we know the tumor has stopped growing for now. It was really scary for a month not knowing if the radiation stopped it. The first time he had radiation the tumor stopped for a year. We now know that if it decides to start growing again it will come back quick. He has another MRI in six weeks and will continue to get them every eight weeks.

Michael goes tomorrow for another Avastin treatment then starts another round of Temadol chemotherapy pills. This schedule of Avastin will continue as long as the tumor does not start to grow.

Thanks for everyone's support and we hope you all have a very happy new year.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kristy's Story...Good News On New MRI

Kristy and Michael have just called me from Duke Hospital. Michael had his MRI early today and then they met with Dr. Friedman to go over the results. Finally some good news, the tumor has shrank some. They cannot tell if the tumor is still alive or if it is dead cells unless they do a biopsy. Doctor Friedman does not want to do a biopsy yet, he wants more time to watch it first. Michael is to continue on the Temadol chemotherapy and the Avastin treatments then do another MRI in eight weeks.

I want to give a special thank you to my friend Debbie. If she had not been able to get us hooked up with a radiologist so quickly we may have had a different result today. With Debbie's help and the quick actions of Eric and Dr. Mansur of Washington University, may have saved Michaels' life. A million thank yous to Debbie!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Kristy's Story...Back at Duke Hospital

Michael and Kristy have safely arrived in Durham N. Carolina. They will go to Duke Hospital tomorrow, Nov. 13th, for Michaels' MRI then meet with doctors to discuss the results. This will be the first MRI since his radiation. Michael feels it has stopped growing for now so let's all hope he is right. He is usually pretty good at knowing when something is different with the tumors growth. We all hope they are told it is shrinking, or better yet, gone.

I will let you know the results tomorrow evening.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kristy's Story...Big Thank You To Friends and Family

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CAME OUT LAST NIGHT TO SUPPORT SHANE THOMAS & HIS FAMILY.  It was a great time and WE raised $6,296 thanks to every one of you!  100% of this money will go towards his medical expenses and travel costs back and forth to Duke University in North Carolina.  On December 13th Shane gets an MRI to see if the Gamma Knife treatments and the chemotherapy he is currently on is shrinking the tumor.  We need a miracle to heal him of this brain cancer so all of your thoughts and prayers are still very much needed. Please think of this family often, and check the blog http://kristysstory.blogspot.com for further updates.  THANK YOU AGAIN!   Maybe we can re-do this night sometime in the spring...   
Thank you,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kristy's Story...Michael Is Doing His Second Round of Chemo

Monday Michael went back to the Siteman Cancer Center for his second intravenous Avastin treatment. Things went well this time, everyone was on schedule so it didn't take as long this time. He has also started his second round of chemo pills, Temadol. He started them Tuesday and will take six pills a day for five days again. Last time they made him sick so let's all hope he is better this time.

I would like to thank everyone that has made a donation through this blog. I can't tell you how much it has helped us. Here is a huge thank you to Max and Judy, Debbie, Dennis, Steve, Kristina, Frank, Peggy, Laura, Tom and Amanda, and Kim. We hope to see all of you at the benefit Saturday night. For more information on the benefit please click on Benefit in the menu. Thank you, Kristy