F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: March 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kristy's Story...Heart Attack, Another Stroke, Miracle

This has been one heck of a week! Last Tuesday, March 6th, on Michaels youngest sons birthday Michael had a massive heart attack. Kristy came home from work around 1:30 in the afternoon and found Michael barely breathing and his eyes rolled back in his head. She immediately called 911. The ambulance arrived and had to resuscitate him, his heart had stopped. He was rushed to the hospital and arrived barely alive. He couldn't breathe on his own and needed two heart pumps to keep his heart going. He stayed at this hospital long enough to get him stable then they sent him by ambulance to Washington U / Barnes Jewish Hospital, a larger and more equipped to handle his serious condition hospital.

He arrived around midnight and they worked on him for hours just to get him somewhat stable. A heart specialist came in to talk with us and said he was in very serious condition and was not expected to survive. But his heart did not show any blocked arteries or other defects that would cause a heart attack. They needed to figure out what caused it. At this point his heart was only functioning at 10%.

The next couple days they worked on finding what caused the heart attack. They found he has an infection called RSV. An infection normally found in infants, not grown men. With all the medicines Michael is on the infectious disease doctors had to find out if the only medicine that would get rid of RSV could be used to help Michael. Luckily it was and treatment was soon started. He is still getting the medicine for RSV.

Michael slowly started to improve over the next couple days. His heart was up to 50% so one of the pumps was attempted to be removed. Shortly after starting the procedure his heart stopped and they had to shock him back again. The following day they were successful in removing the pump so things were looking up.

But things are never easy for Michael. That evening after all his family and friends went home, except for Kristy and Sue, (Michaels mom,) Michael had a stroke. Neurologist worked all night on him and reported the next morning that he was most likely brain dead. They could get no response from him. They also reported he had sepsis. Sepsis is a serious medical condition caused by an overwhelming immune response to infection. Chemicals released into the blood to fight infection trigger widespread inflammation. Inflammation may result in organ damage. Blood clotting during sepsis reduces blood flow to limbs and internal organs, depriving them of nutrients and oxygen. In severe cases, one or more organs fail. In the worst cases, infection leads to a life-threatening drop in blood pressure, called septic shock. This can quickly lead to the failure of several organs -- lungs, kidneys, and liver -- causing death. Devastating news for Michaels family.

Kristy was told they were going to give him 2 days to improve but gave her very little hope. They wanted her to be prepared to "pull the plug" if they did not see any improvement. She prepared their oldest son Kyle and the rest of his family. Kyles heart was broke. For two days family tried to get a response from him but had no luck until... Kyle once again went to his room. Kyle bent down and yelled "Dad" into his ear and Michael opened his eyes nice and wide, he heard his son.

All Michaels family and friends were gathered in the waiting room Saturday. It was a sad, tearful day fearing the worst. Early evening the doctor came to get Kristy for her decision. He took her to a private room where she told him what happened with Kyle. He said it may have been a coincidence but if she wanted another day she could have it. She didn't want just one more day she wants the rest of her life with Michael. Doctors gave Michael only had a .5% chance of coming back. Kristy will take any % she can get.

Michaels miracle...When family arrived Sunday morning Kristy was all smiles! We hadn't seen her smile in a very long time. Through the night Michael gave many signs that he was far from brain dead! He would open his eyes for Kristy and squeeze her hand. She told his doctor and he gave Michael some commands. Michael could raise his arm and wiggle his toes when told. Throughout today he was responding, even with an attempt to talk (he can't with the respirator) and a smile. Life was good today.

Michael still has a long way to go but I believe him and Kristy will once again climb this hurdle.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kristy's Story...Definitely a New Tumor

After several days of testing at Duke the doctors have determined it is definitely a tumor in the pons area of the brain. It has grown since Michael's last MRI and now covers the entire area. Duke is giving Michael a dose of chemo today then they will be coming back home soon.

I am hoping the Burzynski clinic has some quick answers as to whether they can now help him.