F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story-Michael is Diagnosed With a Brain Tumor

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kristy's Story-Michael is Diagnosed With a Brain Tumor


My name is Kristy and Michael is my husband.  We are from a small town near St. Louis, Missouri. I need to tell my story about how our lives changed when Michael was diagnosed with brain cancer. We married young, each of us only nineteen, but it worked for us. We are hard working parents of two boys and they are the loves of our lives. After nine years of marriage we had just bought our first home. A week later our lives changed forever.

In September 2009 my husband Michael started getting bad headaches. Michael worked in construction and in the mornings when he went to put on his boots he would just break into sweats.  He was starting to get sick at work so he knew something was wrong.  

In October 2009 he made an appointment with his primary doctor, Dr. Miles.  Her office was located in the St. Johns Medical building, near St. Johns Hospital.  We told her that Michael was having headaches and feeling sick and we thought he needed an MRI but she didn't agree. Dr. Miles said Michael needed to start physical therapy, but we knew that wasn’t the problem.  We kept telling her, for a month, that he needs an MRI.  Finally I told her if she doesn't set him up with an MRI then we were going to change doctors.  She finally agreed.
Michaels MRI was set for November 13, 2009, which was Friday the 13th.  On our way home from the MRI, around 7:00 that night,  we got a call from Dr. Miles saying that Michael has a golf ball size brain tumor in his cerebellum.  She wanted us to go to St. Johns Hospital right away and we did.  We were so scared at this time, not only does he have a brain tumor but we have 2 boys, ages 10 and 3, and we were only 30 years old......continued tomorrow


1 comment:

  1. You made me cry Kristy! I love you guys, mom
