F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story...Hospital Stay After Surgery

Friday, September 30, 2011

Kristy's Story...Hospital Stay After Surgery

Kristy and Michael have met with Dr. Friedman this morning. Dr. Friedman wants Michael to stay close to the hospital until next Wednesday. Michael is doing good but he wants the pathology report back on the tumor he removed before they return home. Depending on the pathology report there may be other treatments needed, such as chemo. He said Michael will be able to leave the hospital and check into a hotel until he is released. That will be later today or tomorrow.

Michael is walking but very slowly. He will still need a lot of help after leaving the hospital. He is having headaches but thinks it is from the surgery, not the tumor. They have him on some pretty strong pain medicine right now. He has been unable to sleep since the surgery, nurses in and out at all hours, so maybe a quiet hotel room will help.

Kristy and Michael are still very nervous about this whole ordeal. They were hoping for a definite answer to the question "Is the tumor and cancer gone?" Because of the possibility of micro cancer cells they don't have the answer they want to hear. The doctor is doing another MRI as I write this to see if anything shows up.

I will update this story again soon.

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