F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story...Traveling to Duke Hospital

Monday, September 26, 2011

Kristy's Story...Traveling to Duke Hospital


My name is Pam and I am Kristy's mom. Kristy and Michael, along with Michaels' parents, are now at the St. Louis airport. Their flight to Raleigh/Durham departs at 6:30 and arrives in North Carolina around 9:30 Eastern time, 8:30 p.m. Central time. They dropped their boys off here at 4:00 before leaving. I spoil them a little while mom and dad are gone, no I try to spoil them all the time. The past two years has been especially hard on the twelve year old. He is old enough to understand what is going on while the 5 year old just knows dad has to see the doctor again. Right now they are playing Play Station and looking forward to ice cream soon. They really miss mom and dad and worry about their dad.

Tomorrow Michael will check in at Duke Hospital for pre-op tests. Kristy won't leave him the whole time he is in the hospital. He just scoots over in the bed and she stays right next to him. Kristy's sister Stacey will join them tomorrow night. She wants to be there for Kristy during Michaels' surgery Wednesday.

Micheal has been very sick the past couple days. His dizziness has been worse and he has been stumbling a lot. His coordination has been really bad. Last night he was up most of the night sick to his stomach. Once his tumor starts to grow his symptoms rapidly increase. We all hope the symptoms will disappear after the surgery.

If there is anything Kristy wants me to say tomorrow I will post it for her.

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