F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Help Fight Cancer with Fitness By: David Haas

Friday, October 28, 2011

Help Fight Cancer with Fitness By: David Haas

No one looks forward to a battle with cancer. Many times, when people are given this diagnosis, they fall into emotional despair and question their own mortality. However, physicians and wellness experts advise that there are ways to be proactive in the fight against this deadly condition. People can better all aspects of their health, even while undergoing cancer treatments, by exercising.  Exercising can help all different types of cancer from common cancers like breast cancer to very rare diseases like mesothelioma.

Indeed, being active and forcing one's body to go through daily activities helps people escape the temptation to lie in bed and feel sorry for themselves. As much as they may want to shut themselves up in their homes, they are better off getting outside and walking, jogging, lifting weights, doing some gardening, or other aerobic exercises, than they are sitting around their house. Isolation leads to negative thoughts and overwhelming fears.
Exercising lets that person experience control over his or her own body. Fitness releases endorphins that in turn not only help better ones mood, but also increase energy levels which is crucial in fighting cancer.

Exercising also encourages people to gain better emotional health. In fact, people who suffer from depression are often advised to walk up to 30 minutes per day. This holds true also for cancer patients. The physical exercise boosts receptors in the brain and reduces chemicals in the brain that lead to depression and anxiety. Even more, if people exercise in a group setting with others, they can use that time to socialize and make friends. Having a strong support system of good friends and family members proves to be vital in a persons' battle against cancer.

Once a person is in remission, he or she may be able to keep cancer away by adhering to a healthy lifestyle. This includes staying away from excessive alcohol use, as well as using tobacco products altogether. They are also advised to eat leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits daily. They should also continue to exercise at least 30 minutes per day. These lifestyle adjustments boost their immune systems and keep illnesses at bay.

Want more information? Visit David Haas on Twitter.

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