F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story...First Day Home From Duke Hospital

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kristy's Story...First Day Home From Duke Hospital

Kristy and Michael expected a long day of calling radiology oncologist specializing in brain tumors. But thanks to a very good friend, and Kristy's sister, they were able to find someone first thing this morning. Kristy's sister found Dr Simpson who specializes in brain tumor radiology. But before Kristy could call him a very good friend of mine gave me the name of someone from Washington University, Eric, that could look over the medical information and decide if they could help. He could greatly help to get the whole radiation process started quickly. Eric is associated with Washington University, Siteman Cancer Center, and Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. So Kristy called Eric first.

She told Eric her situation. He said he could review their case but needed all Michael's medical records from day 1 of the tumor. Kristy and Michael had brought home the Duke records since they knew they would be needed. She then called Saint Louis University and ask to pick up the records from the first two surgeries. We then left to get the records from SLU and take them to Eric.

After getting the records we drove to Siteman Cancer Center to meet with Eric. But as we walked into the office we looked up to the sign above the desk and it said Dr. Simpson. We were meeting with my friends contact and he was working with Kristy's sister's choice of doctors! Let's all hope that was a good sign and they can help Michael.

Eric was on the ball and had already talked with some doctors about Michael. He is meeting with them again tomorrow and going over the medical records we brought to him. Once they review the records they will contact Kristy and Michael with their decision. When we hear back from them we will post their decision.

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