F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story...Michael's Tumor Will Never Be Gone

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kristy's Story...Michael's Tumor Will Never Be Gone

Once again Michael and Kristy were hit with another bomb. First they met with the surgeon and radiologist yesterday to be fit with a mouth plate he needs to wear for the radiation treatment tomorrow. They were told because Michael has had radiology before there is a up to a 10% chance of some permanent damage. Fallout from the radiation could go into his brain over time. they won't know the full effects for months after the treatment. Also this treatment will be the final time Michael could ever have radiation.

Then they met with the chemo-therapist for some more bad news. Their doctor said no one has ever been cured from his type of tumor. There are treatments to slow down the tumor, such as the radiation and chemo, but he will always fight this tumor. Michael will start the chemo tomorrow when he does his first radiation treatment.

Besides this on-going treatment Michael and Kristy are searching for clinical trials. Maybe there is a cure but no one knows it yet...let's hope.

If anyone has gone through this same brain tumor fight, or knows of someone who has, please tell us what you tried, especially if a treatment worked...we are getting desperate. Even if the treatment was unconventional, food to eat for a special diet, pills or drinks from a health store, went to another country for treatment, or any other knowledge you can pass along to us.

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