Michael has had a stroke. But the doctor doesn't know what caused it. It could be from his original tumor or a new one, his chemo medicines, or radiation fall off. If it was from his tumor there is no reversing his symptoms. If from the chemo or radiation the brain can relearn what has been lost. He would not be as he was before the stroke but much better than he is now. Right now he has little use of his legs and only partial use of his left hand and arm. He lost his vision in his left eye and his speech is very hard to understand. The doctor wants him to go to Duke next week and see if they can determine what caused the stroke.
Michael and Kristy left last night for Duke and safely arrived there at 8:00 p.m. My Kristy is one tough lady and determined to save her man. She has done everything in her power to help Michael and his recent physical problems have made her even stronger. When I dropped them off at Lambert airport she had Michael in his wheel chair, a backpack and duffel bag on her back, and a mission in her eyes. If there is something out there to help him she will find it.
They have a busy schedule this week starting tonight with a CAT scan. He is also scheduled for another MRI and a PET scan. Then meetings with several doctors to go over all the results starting on Wednesday. This trip could possibly include another surgery to get a biopsy of the new tumor, if they determine in fact it is a tumor. They have a long week ahead of them and hope to get some answers as to what is going on in Michael's brain.

I will update you when we get some results back.

Pam (Kristy's mom)