F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story...Our Good News is Always Followed by Bad

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kristy's Story...Our Good News is Always Followed by Bad

Why can't we have some good news without it being followed by bad? Michaels' doctor from Duke called yesterday to give us the report on the recent MRI. The tumor had shrank some more, good news, but...there is a new tumor, very bad news. The doctor was not 100% sure it is a new tumor, it could be radiation damage, but he believes it is a tumor. It is on a critical part of the brain and Michael would become paralyzed if they try to remove it or even try to get a sample of it to find out if it is the same type tumor.

They are going to change his Temadol chemo medicine to a new drug then do another MRI in about four weeks. They are hoping to find out exactly what the new enhancement is, tumor or radiation damage. Michaels' recent symptoms of numbness in the face and left side of his body are related to problems associated with damage to this part of the brain.

About the same time we found out about the new tumor we heard from Roswell on getting the brain cancer vaccine, Michael was not chosen to receive it. We then contacted the Burzynski clinic in Houston and was told they are only taking children at this time.  We just can't catch a desperately needed break.

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