F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story...More Twists and Turns in Our Life

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Kristy's Story...More Twists and Turns in Our Life

Well, where do I start? I know we have a month of catching up since I last posted. I have had so much going on it is very hard to breathe much less write a story. Besides the brain cancer treatments we have some family issues that have changed our life, we hope temporarily. So I think that is where I will start.

It started mid December, one week before Christmas, with a phone call from Child Protective Services. They wanted us to take in three kids that were being removed from Michael's sister. She has six kids, three girls and three boys, and wanted us to take the girls. I won't go into the whys right now because this issue is still being looked into. Any way we ended up taking in the three girls. The ages are 16, 12, and 11. The 16 year old gave us so much trouble and attitude we had to request she move in with her grandma, Michael's mom, along with the three boys. But the other two girls are still with us. Needless to say we now have two more mouths to feed, clothe, get to school and back. homework, and the list goes on. Our time is pressed to the max.

Now to Michael. He has had a rough time the past month. The chemotherapy has finally hit him pretty hard. His blood platelets are low and making him very tired. My "never sit down husband" has had days where he just doesn't want to do anything. He just did a new blood work-up to tell us what needs to change to help him. They are talking of spacing out the days he takes the chemo instead of doing the doses in five days every few weeks.

Within the last couple weeks Michael's face has become numb and he mentioned this to his doctor Friday. The doctor is concerned and wants to do his MRI now instead of waiting another three weeks. He says the numbness is a sign the tumor could be growing again. The new MRI is scheduled for this Thursday, February 2nd. I will inform you of the results when we get them.

Lastly we heard about a new vaccine that is claiming to cure cancer!!! The story aired on TV stating Roswell Hospital in Buffalo, NY is choosing 18 to 20 people, I know not very many, to get the vaccine. I was the first one to get through to the phone number when lines opened and signed Michael up. They took some information from me and have emailed me a couple times since. They are to call me Monday for more medical information. Roswell received over a thousand calls in the first couple hours.

Enough for now. I will let you know the MRI results and if Michael gets chosen to receive the vaccine.

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