F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy’s Story…Most Wonderful Man

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kristy’s Story…Most Wonderful Man

My husband is the most caring, funny, smart, sweet, brave, and easy to get along with man in the world.  He has also been the greatest husband and father in the world. If you were broke down on the side of the road he would be the first to stop and help. He holds the door open for everyone and always says yes mam or sir. He volunteers to help others no matter his own pain and worries. He is just wonderful. When he did have his job before the brain tumor the guys would always want Michael to go out after work and have a beer. But he never did, he wanted to come straight home to his family. He gets our kids to their activities, always early never late, and teaches our boys great lessons in life on how to grow up to be good men. I could write a book on how wonderful he is. I think he is the perfect man.

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