F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story...Long Week for Michael

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kristy's Story...Long Week for Michael

Well there was no magical cure for Michael this week. Since the MRI he has progressed...backwards. He quit breathing on his own and we lost all response from him. He was slowly slipping into a coma. The doctors could not figure out why the change in him came on so fast. They stopped all his pain medicines hoping it was them putting him in the trance-like state. But that still did not bring him around.

Yesterday around noon they did a CT Scan and discovered he had swelling in his brain. They needed to do surgery immediately to relieve the fluid causing pressure. If the surgery was not done he would die shortly but the surgery could also kill him. The ICU cleared his room and did the surgery right there. Michael made it through the surgery but the drain was not working. The surgeon had to make some adjustments but finally had it draining. He was immediately showing signs of improvement.

But that didn't last long. It quit draining and Michael was slipping backwards once again. At 3:00 am they had to do another surgery on the other side of his brain to try and drain more fluid. The surgery went good and the second drain was working. Michael started immediately showing sign of improvement once again.

It is now 6:30 am and Michael is scheduled for another MRI shortly. The doctors hope to find out what is putting pressure on the brain stem.

I will update the blog as soon as possible. Pam

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