F1PTCyVogsRmIhYc5DmWUco5hEc Kristy's Story...My Husband Has Brain Cancer: Kristy's Story...MRI Results

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kristy's Story...MRI Results

Around noon today a group of Shane's doctors called us in for the MRI results. They had one screen with his MRI from 10 days ago and another with todays. There was obviously a big difference. The tumor in the pons area, the newest one, has almost doubled in size. It was not fluid putting pressure on his brain-it is the tumor. The doctors say there is nothing else to do for him. We ask for surgery, they said it would kill him, we ask for chemo, they said no time for it to work, then we ask for radiation, they said he has already had more than he should have had. They said Michael was in a coma and has no brain activity.

Needless to say it broke our hearts, especially Kristy, Kyle, and his mom. We spent a few hours crying then started questioning the doctors answers. Why not surgery? He will die without it so why not try? It has been successfully done before but poses a very high risk of permanent damage. He may end up with his "thinking" part of his brain but in a wheel chair on a ventilator for the rest of his life. Would Michael want this?

Chemo is out. the tumor is growing way to fast for it to help. But why not radiation? Maybe a few low dose zaps of radiation would stop and possibly shrink the tumor. So we requested a meeting with a radiologist to go over the possibilities. Kristy also wants to talk to the doctors at Duke Hospital for their opinion and advice.

Tomorrow will be a very rough day. In our hearts we know the answers, we just don't want to accept them.

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